Monolithic or Microservices?

The debate between adopting a Monolithic architecture versus a Microservices approach has become a pivotal decision point that can shape the future success and scalability of a project. Let's explore the options each choice will lead us to.

2024-03-09 15:19:28 - ERneSt⚡️os

We all know about Netflix, one of the biggest video streaming service provider. In 2009 Netflix experienced significant issues in scaling as their business model shifted from DVD rentals to streaming videos. They previously had monolithic application with all the application components bundled together. To address these challenges, Netflix started transitioning to microservice architecture which involved the break down of the application in to smaller and manageable components(loosely coupled) and making it possible for each component to be scale individual as need be. Netflix did encounter a lot of issues in performing this since by then it was not common and a name has not really be attributed to such practice. One of the biggest issues they encountered was in managing the complexity of data and the numerous new services, as well as service discovery and load balancing.

Several other companies did faced similar challenges while migrating from monolithic architecture to microservices. Some of these include: eBay, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, Uber.

What is a Monolithic Architecture?

This is an architecture where the software program is designed to be self-contained, and all software program components are tightly coupled rather than loosely coupled, each component and its associated components must all be present for code to be executed or compiled and for the software to run. In monolithic architecture we have a single code base which couples all together the business logic of the application. Whenever there is a change in the code base structure or any other thing, the whole application will need to be reloaded, this makes updates restrictive and time-consuming. Monolithic architecture is convenient and suitable for early stage of project, since it provides ease of code management.

Advantages of a monolithic architecture

Some advantages bundled together with the usage of monolithic architecture include:

Disadvantages of a monolithic architecture

Despite the above listed advantages, we found some drawbacks in using monolithic architectural designs.

What is a Microservice architecture?

This is an architectural approach which consist in breaking down an application in smaller, independent services that can be developed, maintained and deployed separately. Here each service owns its own business logic and database and have a particular purpose. Updates, testing, deployment and scaling occur within each service.

Advantages of a Microservice ArchitectureDisadvantages of a Microservice ArchitectureWhen to use monolithic vs. microservices architecture?

Are you still having doubts on choosing the right one for your platform between these two options? Let's consider the questions below:

How to transition from monolithic to microservices architecture?

When you encounter a change in business model and you choose to switch your existing platform to a microservice architecture, you can consider the steps below during the migration.

Summary of the differences between monolithic and microservice architecture


Transitioning from monolithic to microservices architectures marks a strategic evolution, offering scalability, agility, and innovation despite initial challenges, paving the way for future-proof and resilient software development.

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